Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Seasonal Blogger Strikes Again


I've come to accept that I can't commit to blogging on a regular basis.

I have a bad habit of starting new projects and not finishing them.  Oh well.  Guess that's just part of who I am.  But I'll never give up on what's truly important, like family and friends :)

Since I've just moved across the country I've decided to start blogging again as a way to keep in touch with everyone back home.

My brother Benjamin and I had a great road trip to San Diego.  We left Friday afternoon when I got off work. (Yes, I'm a little crazy and decided to start the trip after completing my last day of work!)  We made three stops...  Birmingham, AL, Eastland, TX, and Tucson, AZ.

The longest day of driving was Sunday, bringing in 13 hours behind the wheel.  Thankfully the trip was easy and we had zero troubles along the way.  My only regret was missing the California state line sign.  I had planned to stop and take a picture with my NC tags next to the sign, but somehow ended up about 30 miles into the state before realizing we were in CA.  Oops!  

Since arriving I've been trying to get settled in and somewhat unpacked.  I went in for my pre-employment drug screen yesterday and for the first time wrote my official CA address.  My initial impulse was to write my old address, and I found myself smiling and in a slight state of unbelief as I wrote that I was a San Diego resident.  I had another ah ha moment later in the day... I was driving down the freeway with the top down, enjoying the beautiful scenery when it hit me, "This is my life now!"  Growing up I always had the desire to live in California.  I don't know what it was, (maybe the beautiful beaches and palm trees I saw on TV) but something about California always intrigued me.  Now here I am and to top it all off I have the best guy a girl could ask for by my side :)   Life is amazing!

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.  Live the life you've imagined."

And to all my family and friends back home...  Leaving you was one of the hardest decisions I've ever had to make, but in the end I had to do it.  I'm sad I didn't get to see everyone before leaving, but I'll be back soon to visit.  My stubborn nature came out and I refused to cry or be upset before leaving.  I hope this didn't come across as my not caring; that's not the case at all.  In fact, it was my defense mechanism for not turning into a blubbering baby :)  I love and miss you all and carry you in my heart everyday <3


  1. I keep picturing us both, standing in my kitchen a mess of tears. We both were just so lost and unhappy with where our lives were at that exact moment. I was missing J terribly, and you were missing D and struggling so hard with the decision of "what do I do next?" I am SO SO happy that this chapter of your life is starting! I am so proud of you for having the courage to leave everything behind and follow your heart! Love you, friend! I'm also so excited to read all about your journey!

    1. Haha that was a mess, but look at where we both are now :) Things always have a ways of working out for the best. Why do we even worry??? I'm thankful for the time we had in Charlotte and you truly are one of my very best friends! I can't wait to see what the future holds for you and to be able to go to the store, buy a book, and say, "My friend wrote this. It's awesome, you should buy it!" I also can't wait for you to come visit!!!

  2. I'm so thrilled that you're finally here and can't wait to hang out with you once you're all settled. Please know that even though you're so far from some of your friends and family, you will always have a friend right down the street-- ME! Thank you, thank you, thank you to Joey for introducing us!

    Also... I can't believe I wasn't following your bloggy before!

    xo, Court

    1. Me too!!! Now we just have to plan a date! I'm pretty well settled now so let's make it happen :) I have my schedule for work and have lots of free time. Maybe we can try a run/walk along the water! And a HUGE thank you to Joey!!!

      And my blog needs some serious help! I gave up on it a while back. Also deleted most of my videos when I was applying for jobs, but may put some of them back up :)
